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dedicated hosting service

Submitted by yakushino » Fri 08-Apr-2022, 20:54

Subject Area: General

1 member rating

We need a dedicated server for a large document management application in a company. I see that there is a similar topic, can you tell me what is better to use, document management is developed by my team.

1 Comment 

Member Comments

RE: dedicated hosting service

dedicated hosting service

By Kordicen » Fri 08-Apr-2022, 20:55, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

Our workflow is running on physical servers on the minus first floor. But as you said, you can run such web applications on a dedicated server. The main thing is to calculate the power that you will need. We have a new server processor from Intel, and everything runs very smoothly. The best prices for dedicated hosting services https://www.hostforweb.com/dedicated/ are at this hosting provider. We at one time used their services.

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