The Rant
How to Identify a Young Drug Abuser
Submitted by fergus » Fri 22-Oct-2021, 21:00Subject Area: General | 1 member rating |
Most people who abuse drugs or alcohol began their abuse when they were still basically children. As early as primary school, 9 to 10 years old, a youngster can be stealing cigarettes or alcohol for experimentation. This could be the start of something big and needs to be addressed as soon as it's noticed.
But it does have to be noticed first.
There are indications that drug experimentation is occurring in a young boy or girl to which a parent or guardian must be alert.
In elementary school, the most typical substances abused would be those that are available to kids. Volatile chemicals such as nail polish remover, glues, markers and cans of spray paint and other such household chemicals can be used for a quick and cheap high. This is called "huffing" and can be deadly. Aerosols of almost any type can be inhaled for the effects they produce: dizziness, giddiness, feelings of floating and disorientation.
Georgia Treatment center insurance Signs of this can include:
Strange odors
Red eyes or red face especially around the mouth and nose
Attitude changes, apathy, anger, aggressiveness or secretive behavior
Headaches or other pains
Stains on skin or clothing from spray paint
Another substance which is too often a problem in young teens is experimentation and abuse of alcohol. Its availability and attractive marketing make it one of the most common of all "first drugs".
To detect alcohol abuse, look for Georgia addiction treatment insurance:
Tiredness, early to bed
Avoiding others in the family
Changes in interests
Unexplained absences from family gatherings
Mood changes.
Marijuana use is also rampant among teens in many areas and can lead to many more dangerous drugs and associations.
Some of the indications of marijuana use are:
Red eyes
Reduced motivation and loss of interest in hobbies
A sudden new circle of friends, often concentrating on only a very few friends
Poor performance in school, absences and negative attitudes toward school
Severe attitude changes
Of course it is possible for trouble with substances to be brewing without these particular
signs and symptoms being present. And there are other indications of drug abuse problems not mentioned here, but the above points are pretty reliable and should serve as recognizable flags, especially when several are present.
Notice, too, that in each of these categories there was some type of attitude change. This will most likely be the first and most reliable sign that something is very wrong. When a normally happy and communicative child becomes sullen and withdrawn over a short period of time, something has changed. That is not normal and, although it doesn't have to indicate drug use, you should spend the time to discover what IS happening.
Never be accusative, but be persistent and you could just solve a major problem before it becomes major.
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