The Rant
Fridg, Freezer, AC combo?
Submitted by anonymous » Mon 13-May-2019, 05:52Subject Area: General | 4 member ratings |
Hi all,
I build "green" energy efficient homes. I am looking for the possibility of combining several needs into one solution. The needs are as follows:
Custom super-insulated kitchen refrigerator/freezer cabinet with separate (unified?) compressor/controller.
A sizable in-ground freezer, super insulated, with large thermal mass, similar to the old fashioned ice houses, that used winter ice cut from lakes, that kept ice through summer before modern technology. Except in this case, in winter, in this northern climate it could use outdoor air to freeze the thermal mass, and for warmer conditions have some conventional compressor freezing available.
The home envelope is extremely efficient so very little if any ac will ever be needed, but it is good to have some available. It is the same for heat. With passive solar and thermal mass very little heat is needed. I am not clear how outdoor air filtering and exchange for the tight building envelope as well as heat exchange would fit in, if any of this can be combined at all.
It would seem to me like a four zone system.
1. Kitchen freezer
2. Kitchen Refrigerator
3. Walk-in freezer
4. House with ac and heat and preferably outdoor air filtration, and heat exchange.
Is there anything existing that could manage all this in one system? With customization? Would the costs be far higher that just using separate more traditional systems? Would someone be able to help with a customized system, or would I have to start my own company and develop it at great cost?
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