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Paper Unicorn Games: from inception to the present day
Submitted by zavka » Mon 28-Feb-2022, 23:17Subject Area: General | 7 member ratings |
Paper Unicorn Games: from inception to the present day
Genres of video games.
One of the most commonly used criteria for classifying video games is their genre. Below we will present a separate list of video game genres that have been recognized by most gamers and video game reviewers.
Ð aperUnicornGames : from inception to the present day.
Classification by genre involves assigning a particular video game to the following categories:
educational games (they are based on the need to perform certain actions aimed at training a predetermined skill);
strategies (story games that require the player to analyze the situation and make non-obvious decisions; something more than just logic games like checkers or chess);
arcade games (skill and mindfulness games);
adventure games ("adventure games", as a rule. based on historical plots and scenarios);
electronic simulators (virtual prototypes of real objects and processes related to driving a car or other device, etc.);
action games (from the English action – action; games involving constant clicking on buttons and mouse rotation; games with an exciting plot involving active and incessant actions on the part of the player);
puzzles and logical games (all kinds of board games, including the mentioned chess and checkers);
mixed (any combination involving the attribution of a video game to more than one genre, for example, action and strategy, educational game and simulator).
The main trends of the gaming industry in recent years are a bias towards mixing genres, implementing high-quality three-dimensional graphics, filling game scenarios with meaning and dynamics.

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