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(Alias: work product)

A tangible output of human effort provided by a developer to a customer.
Software engineering examples are:

  • Project plan
  • User manual
  • Executable code module
  • Design document
  • Code listing.

In a project environment it is recognized good practice for all tasks to have deliverables. The assertion is that tasks with no physical outcome are of questionable value.


An example of a non-deliverable is:

A project manager holds a progress meeting and provides a verbal progress report to the customer. In this case the deliverable could have been a progress report document. As nothing was physically produced the progress meeting had no deliverable.

Management by deliverables

Effective project management is based on monitoring project progress through production of visible work products.

Key principles are:

  • Judge progress by what is produced not by someone's subjective opinion of progress
  • Percent complete calculated in deliverables cannot be influenced by emotions, personal prejudices and over active imaginations
  • If you can't see it or touch it, it does not exist
  • Don't ask "How's it going", ask for the deliverable.

Five rules for management by deliverables

  1. Define all tasks in terms of tangible short term deliverables
  2. Set delivery intervals at 5 to 10 days (3 weeks maximum)
  3. Obtain commitment from the developer on the schedule for deliverable creation
  4. Monitor the progress of large deliverable creation with intermediate analytical deliverables
  5. Have a process for formally recognising that a deliverable is complete (refer baseline).

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RE Definition: Deliverable

Don't miss The Baby in Yellow!

By isadoraabhaya » Thu 14-Nov-2024, 21:04, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

Have you ever thought about what you'd do if the child you're keeping wasn't a normal child? In the baby in yellow you'll experience that. With each new chapter, you'll discover more about the mystery behind this child's naive eyes and the strange events that happen around them.
The game starts pretty simple: feed the baby, read fairy tales and put the baby in bed. But not long after, you'll realize that things aren't that simple. "The Baby in Yellow" offers an obsessive playground where you must use your intelligence and agility to solve puzzles and escape dangerous situations.
With its high-quality graphics and lively sound, this game is sure to bring you stressful and exciting entertainment moments. Don't be fooled by the child's lovely appearance, because you'll need to always be alert to all his actions.
Join "The Baby in Yellow" and discover how long you can hold your mind against the challenges of the game. The game is now available on Steam and mobile platforms, ready for you to experience. Hopefully this article will help the gaming community better understand "The Baby in Yellow" and arouse their excitement to challenge themselves in this colorful world of horror. Have hours of fun playing games and don't forget to be careful with the child in the yellow shirt!

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